Boulevard Du 14 Juillet Centre Commercial Carrefour 27000 Evreux
Payment Methods
Bank card , TAO Gift Card , Apple Pay , Google Pay , Illicado , Kadeos Edenred , Cadhoc , Bimpli cado , Tir groupé , Glady
NEWLIFE: Buy and sell second-hand clothes.
Looking for stylish, comfortable, quality clothing for your kids? Our team is delighted to welcome you in store to help you dress your children from head to toe. Sweatshirts, denim, accessories... There's something for every taste, at low prices! See you soon! 😊
TAO Vernon
11 rue de l'Artisanat 27200 Vernonat 23.46km
TAO Dreux
1 Rue Des Bas Buissons 28100 Dreuxat 32.36km
TAO Tourville-La-Rivière
Zac Du Clos Aux Antes 76410 Tourville-La-Rivièreat 35.35km
TAO Buchelay
Rue De L'Adour Centre Commercial Mon Beau Buchelay 78200 Buchelayat 36.8km
TAO Menneval
Route De Rouen Cellule 6 27300 Mennevalat 42km
TAO Grand Quevilly
Promenade Du Bois-Cany 12 rue Paul Vaillant Couturier 76120 Grand Quevillyat 46.15km